Kingston is Amazing!

This apparently was not well-known before and we’ve always been shocked by this. Well, actually, not really. The good news though is that now more and more people are waking up to this realisation.

So, we’ve been doing tours since 2010 and over the years we’ve seen a complete transformation on how Kingston is viewed. At first it was “why would anyone want to come to Kingston”. Now Kingston has been designated a Creative City of Music by UNESCO (yay), it’s been awarded as the Best Creative Destination worldwide (duh, lol), and with a host of celebrities from Burna Boy to Kerry Washington hyping up di ting, we can rejoice in the fact that the good news is spreading.

Of course, as we’ve been doing Kingston and cultural tours since 2010, we’re know quite a bit about this little complicated city. About where to go, who to talk to, and we love to help our clients create unforgettable memories. Check out our Kingston tours which take you all over with varied experiences from street art in the Downtown Kingston Art District, to the neighbourhoods from Fleet Street to Trench Town, to the music (it’s not just about Bob Marley**, folks), to the food (can you say “food coma”), to the history, to the parks, to the markets, to… you name it, we know it.

So, come to Kingston, check out the life, tour with us.

Give thanks,
Karen @ Jamaica Cultural Enterprises


** PS: We love Bob, don’t get us wrong, but we’ll introduce you to more